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Everything had led you here. She couldn’t be involved, could she? The bodies piling up all over town had only one thing in common… a mysterious woman seen in the vicinity. Could she be in danger? The more you investigated, the more you had that sinking feeling again. Another crackpot theory the boys down at the precinct would never believe. She couldn’t be one of them… those creatures that haunt your dreams. But the exsanguinated victims could not be ignored and neither could the chill deep down in your bones. Nothing could prepare you for how devastatingly beautiful she was. And even knowing that she was everything you swore to fight against… nothing could could prepare you for how desperately you wanted her. She’ll tell you everything you want to know. The truth in all its horrible glory. But she won’t let you leave alive.
Xoxo Meana Wolf

Clip Contains: You know her secret, and now it’s time to let go. Its your last night on earth, and she’s going to drain you dry. **Vampire. Horror. Fangs. Teeth. Cumshot**


3 years ago, mmcwilliams said:

so happy for another vampire video. please keep making them and ill keep buying them, you are a legend

3 years ago, mmarob007 said:

Return of the queen of the damned! Best in erotic horror content, bar none! 😈

3 years ago, vi0993 said:

So happy of thiss Vid.. I really pay the subscription for this type of vid. Makes me excited😍

3 years ago, mmcwilliams said:

i didnt think it was possible to outdo bitch gotta eat. but you have outdone yourself once again. your vampire videos hold a special place in my heart

3 years ago, coldboy said:

dear Meana This video is ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING.Sex is fantastic and your continue talking is extremely sexy. You talk with your victim.Explain him what and how you're going to do to him. And this make the scene reach a top level in vamp fetish.I loved your bj sessions in the middle of sex. Because you TASTE your prey making keep in mind what will come in the end. I wish you were a real vampire.And I were in a room with you. You had no need to mesmerize me... :):):)Thank you for this fantastic clip.

2 years ago, eatabowl said:

Your monologues are incredible. Sensual, engaging, well written. It's true for all of your videos, but your succubus / Vampire / demon scenes are exceptionally well done. This is a perfect example. If you keep putting these out, I will never unsubscribe.

2 years ago, Imperial said:

As a degenerate, I will pay top dollar for another vampire video. Even more with some taboo incest :)

1 year ago, Darkdeath401 said:

Anyone know of any other porn star or website with content like this?

1 year ago, nastasharomanenko said:

First vampire video I buy here. I find it really cool, exciting and beautiful. The scarlet eyes and dress serve well the both scary and lascivious atmosphere of the scene. I really like your horror-theme videos, so don’t hesitate to produce more!

1 year ago, BPerez4656 said:

Meana looks absolutely amazing in that red dress. Love watching her videos.

1 year ago, SaidSaid said:

I think every great detective's weakness is a sexy woman. The vampire aspect made things even spicier.

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