WARNING - This site is for adults only!
This web site contains sexually explicit material:There was no way you were going to fuck this up. 4 years in Jail was more than enough. You got a job as a landscaper at some rich old guys estate. Came with accommodations too. All you had to do was lay low and finish your parole. Then she walked in. His young, spoiled little brat of a daughter. Daddy like’s to hire parolees, it makes him feel superior. The only thing is… he doesn’t know his daughter likes to fuck them every night and has been for years. You couldn’t fuck this up… getting fired meant going back to jail… But she insisted… If you don’t do what she says, her dad’s going to hear about it. You’re nothing but a servant to her… so do what she wants. Give her a good fuck and keep your mouth shut.
Xoxo Meana Wolf
Clip Contains: She likes it… having power over men. Not just because she’s your boss’s daughter, not just because she could get you thrown back in jail… but because she knows deep down that all men are weak… and you’re no exception. ** Bad Girls. Older Man, Younger woman. Women in Control. **
2 years ago, wolflair said:
Porn Mommy, I am your unabashed servant, and proud of it! My life is all about worshipping and adoring you ANY way I can, continually! First thing in the morning before getting out of bed I stroke to you! At work on a break I look at your pics and rub my cock; I rush home from work to edge and shoot a load, and I fall asleep with my cock in my hand stroking again to you! I ♥️💕♥️ it when you stroke my cock with your goddess tiddies, then lower your head to lick 👅 the tip of my cock! I worship your pussy and ass/asshole wishing I could lick 👅 you to orgasm any time you want! I adore Jack’s cock and at your request/demand, I would suck him off! I will go anywhere you take me,
2 years ago, wolflair said:
You took ownership of my cock and correspondingly cum years ago! Every gorgeous story you produce gives me new instructions on how to worship you better even up to and including sacrificing my life for you as in “Predator!” Thank You Meana! Love, lust, and devotion, David
2 years ago, wolflair said:
Porn goddess, I wake in the middle of the night and you are calling me, “cum worship your goddess, cum edge to your cock and heart’s delight! Show me what kind of servant you are, devoted only to me!” So I continue to edge and worship you. You ask if I like you being a “slut?” Porn mommy, I am your slut! A brainless servant whose only wish is serving you any way you wish! I virtually suck and fuck you daily bc that is YOUR WISH FOR ME AND I MUST COMPLY! You give this “SERVANT” exactly what I need, you demand I give you an orgasm and I comply! Then I give you my cum offering, I am your bitch for life! Thank You Means! Love, lust, and devotion, David