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Like Father Like Son

They thought you were dreaming away…but the sounds of their lovemaking woke you up. You didn’t know what to think as you saw your daughter slip her brother’s cock in her mouth. You wanted to shout at them to stop, but you couldn’t. They saw you for a second and stopped, but as soon as you went back to pretending, they were back at it. You felt sick to your stomach as your son slipped his cock into your daughter’s pussy. But your dick got so fucking hard watching them fuck… you felt so ashamed for wanting to fuck your daughter just as much as your son did. 
The image burns in your mind all through the night after they go off to bed. Watching your daughter fuck and suck cock is driving you insane. You long to feel her pussy on your cock just as her brother did earlier in the night. So you go to her. Her naked body sprawled out on the bed is so gorgeous. She’s a woman now…a woman who knows what to do with her body. You touch her softly…then you slip your cock inside of her. She giggles thinking it’s her brother again back for more of her sweet pussy… but she opens her eyes and sees you. Her Father… She couldn’t be more happy.
Xoxo Meana Wolf

Clip Contains: A Sneaky father spies on his son and daughter fucking in the tv room. He’s angry, confused, betrayed, hurt, jealous… but mostly he’s horny for his daughter as much as his son is. **Taboo. Brother/Sister. Father Daughter. Sneaky sex.** This clip contains two unique fantasy taboo scenes for you to enjoy. Enjoy both halves separately or together! 


2 years ago, wolflair said:

W/O hesitation if I was told that I could take only 5 of Porn mommy Meana’s stories to the proverbial desert island, this would be one! From start to finish, I’m hard! 🍆💦😍👅❤️🥰♥️😘💋🙏🏾

2 years ago, bigdruuski said:

This one is one of my favorites hands down! I love the angle of the BJ shot around the 6min mark. I wanna see more of that angle. But the whole story is incredible from start to finish!! 👌🏾

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Daily “cum tribute(s) given to my Porn mommy bc it is required that I virtually fuck her every day! Porn mommy, you are the center of my love, lust, and devotion; you both trigger my cock, then satisfy it with your awesome stories like this one! Thank you, Meana. David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Porn mommy, I tried something different today and loved, loved, loved the results! I started playing and listening to your story, “BLACK MAGIC LOVE SPELL,” then starting watching and listening/ stroking to one of my favorites, “LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON!” What a rush! The second half of, “LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON” is a father/daughter story so watching, stroking, listening to that while hearing you chanting your “LOVE SPELL” in the background took me over the edge in a huge way! Big Cum Tribute given! Thank you Meana! Love, lust, and devotion, David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Porn Mommy, Every Time I stroke to this cock-straining story I’m thinking the same thing that “daddy” is thinking as he approaches his gorgeous babygirl as she is sleeping (29:00). “IF I CAN JUST GET MY COCK INTO MY BABYGIRL’S PUSSY, SHE WILL LOVE MY COCK AS MUCH AS SHE LOVES HER BROTHER’S COCK!” SO HOT PORN MOMMY! My worship of you, your goddess body and stories never stops, you own my cock completely, it is bound to you, please use me anyway you wish! Thank you Meana! Love, lust, and devotion, David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

I ♥️💕♥️ it when “daddy” plays with babygirl’s” asshole! I adore every inch of your body Porn Mommy! David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Porn Mommy, I just stopped by to stroke and worship you for awhile and tell you how much I love you and this story! The scene from 28:45 to 36:00 where daddy cums in the room and enjoys admiring, touching, adoring his babygirl is one my favorites! But I have so many favorites! Watching son and daughter fuck is great bc you and Jack make such GREAT LOVE/SEX! But watching you sleep is such a trigger for me however; are so gorgeous laying there asleep! Then daddy figures out how to get his cock inside his girl and you wake up, surprised but pleased that daddy wants to enjoy her pussy like her brother does. I worship the your goddess face, tiddies, pussy, ass, and velvety voice several times a day as well! I will wake up in a couple of hours and admire and love and lust on you some more. You both trigger my love/lust for your goddess body as well as quelling it! You are my Porn Goddess Meana! Love, lust, and devotion, David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Porn Mommy, I do not know how life can get any better than to cum home from work in LA after a difficult day, to sit down and enjoy looking at your "extras" at meanawolf.com while stroking my cock that has been dedicated to YOUR service! Then picking a story to adore you, and stroke to your goddess face, hair, tiddies, ass, pussy, velvety voice and give you a cock-straining cum offering! This story is definitely one of my top pics bc you take such good care of this daddy! "BOUND" to you for life my Porn Goddess, and loving it! Thank You Meana and (Jack)! Love, lust, and devotion, David

2 years ago, wolflair said:

Porn Mommy, At 38:00 in this story you ask your daddy “did you wonder what your daughter’s pussy must feel like?” As he begins to enjoy fucking you after watching his son fuck you earlier. Porn Goddess, I have asked myself that question for literally years, morning, noon, and night as I worship and stroke, edge, and nut to you! I have nutted to you SO MANY TIMES with this story, possibly my most favorite story out of the more than 300+ stories that I have lovingly given you cum offerings for! I am not exaggerating when I say that you ARE my bliss, euphoria, satisfaction, and contentment, day in and day out as I worship you! AND in keeping with my New Year’s resolution, I intend to tell you daily how much I love, lust, and am devoted to you and meanawolf.com! David

1 year ago, psychic715 said:

I enjoyed the first sex scene; part of it was in one of my favorite sex positions. When she was in the prone position. The second sex scene is one of my favorite scenarios, mistaken identity. She thought it was her step-brother and liked and was enjoying the way she was woken up but then realized it was her step-father and she didn't resist and didn't want him to stop she was enjoying it way too much.

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